18 research outputs found

    Prosodic contrast in non-scripted humorous communication

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    En el presente artículo se recogen los resultados de un análisis prosódico de enunciados humorísticos semiespontáneos, extraídos de una muestra de 14 entrevistas del programa The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. También se seleccionaron enunciados no humorísticos con fines comparativos y de control (Bryant, 2010). Los archivos de audio se importaron a Praat para obtener los valores de F0 e intensidad de cada enunciado y analizar posteriormente su desviación estándar de la mediana. No se ha detectado contraste prosódico en estos valores entre los enunciados humorísticos y no humorísticos de la muestra.This article presents the results of a prosodic analysis of non-scripted humorous utterances. Humorous utterances have been extracted from a sample of 14 interviews in The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Non-humorous utterances were also selected in order to compare humorous and non-humorous utterances, as well as to conduct a control study on contrast between non-humorous utterances (Bryant, 2010). The sound files were imported to Praat, where mean pitch and mean intensity values were obtained for every utterance to later analyse standard deviation. No prosodic contrast has been found between humorous and non-humorous utterances in the sample with regards to intensity and pitch (F0)

    Famílies, jerarquies i gènere. Una aproximació des de la perspectiva femenina

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Ferran EstradaEl present article aborda la construcció de les jerarquies familiars des d’una perspectiva de gènere, en concret des de la perspectiva femenina. Per això s’observen també la construcció de les categories de gènere i les idees associades a cada gènere, amb una especial importància de la maternitat i del treball domèstic i assalariat. L’article és fruit de la recerca etnogràfica duta a terme amb tres famílies, cadascuna composta de tres generacions diferents, de classe obrera, establertes a la perifèria de Barcelona i d’origen immigrant andalús

    Humour production in face-to-face interaction: a multimodal and cognitive study

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    El humor es una de las formas de comunicación más complejas que existen (Veale, Brône & Feyaerts, 2015). Entre las teorías lingüísticas sobre el humor, algunas tienen un enfoque semántico-pragmático, tales como la Semantic Script Theory of Humour (Raskin, 1984) o la General Theory of Verbal Humour (Attardo, 2001). Otras se inscriben en la Teoría de la Relevancia (Yus, 2016) y las hay también con una perspectiva más cognitiva (Giora, 1991, 2015; Coulson & Okley, 2005; Veale, Feyaerts & Brône, 2006). Por otra parte, se han realizado varios estudios sobre los marcadores multimodales de la ironía o el sarcasmo, cuyos resultados son dispares (Attardo, Eisterhold, Hay, and Poggi, 2003; Attardo, Pickering, and Baker, 2011; Attardo, Wagner, and Urios-Aparisi, 2011). Sin embargo, el humor no irónico ha sido objeto de menor estudio. Además, la mayor parte de los análisis se circunscriben al humor ensayado, con pocos estudios sobre el humor producido de forma espontánea (Bryant, 2010, Feyaerts, 2013; Tabacaru, 2014, etc.) y menos aún que conjuguen la perspectiva multimodal con la cognitiva. En esta tesis se analizan 14 entrevistas extraídas de The Late Show with Stephen Colbert con vistas a explicar la comunicación espontánea del humor desde el punto de vista multimodal y cognitivo. Los enunciados se han identificado como humorísticos cuando el público reaccionaba riendo. El análisis multimodal se ha realizado en ELAN, con cinco niveles de anotaciones: transcripción, tipo de humor (Feyaerts et al., 2010), mecanismo conceptual subyacente (Croft & Cruse, 2004), gestos y prosodia. El estudio prosódico se ha llevado a cabo con Praat, a fin de determinar si había un mayor contraste prosódico en enunciados humorísticos. Los resultados muestran que los mecanismos multimodales y cognitivos no difieren entre enunciados humorísticos y no humorísticos.Departamento de Filología InglesaDoctorado en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    Disminución de la Ansiedad Estado previa al Cateterismo Cardiaco programado tras una intervención de enfermería

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    Los pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardíaco (CC) experimentan niveles significativos de ansiedad relacionados con el procedimiento y puede ser percibido como una amenaza. Es fundamental por ello desarrollar estrategias de educación que se centren en las necesidades psicológicas y fisiológicas, manteniendo una información ordenada y clara, con el propósito de manejar y prevenir las complicaciones que se pueden presentar. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si disminuye la ansiedad del paciente por medio de una intervención educativa enfermera, previa a la realización por primera vez del CC programado e Identificar el nivel de conocimientos sobre la prueba, el grado de satisfacción y confianza tras los cuidados enfermeros. Basado tanto en la información verbal, escrita y visualizada por medio de CD, como por la realización de técnicas cognitivas-conductuales. Apoyado por musicoterapia durante el periodo de espera previo al inicio del CC. Metodología: Sera un estudio experimental de ensayo clínico aleatorio, desarrollado en el Hospital Universitario Cruces (País Vasco-España), donde se crearan dos grupos: grupo control (pacientes antes de aplicar la intervención educativa, es decir, con la atención habitual) y grupo experimental (pacientes a los que se les aplica la intervención educativa).Formaran parte los primeros 225 pacientes mayores de 18 años que cumplan los requisitos de inclusión. Considero que es justificable la realización de este estudio, puesto que permitirá comprobar la eficacia de una intervención educativa de enfermería contribuyendo así a la disminución de la ansiedad y por consiguiente se podría protocolizar la intervención previa al procedimiento

    Automatic Visual Acuity Estimation by Means of Computational Vascularity Biomarkers Using Oct Angiographies

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    [Abstract] Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) constitutes a new non-invasive ophthalmic image modality that allows the precise visualization of the micro-retinal vascularity that is commonly used to analyze the foveal region. Given that there are many systemic and eye diseases that affect the eye fundus and its vascularity, the analysis of that region is crucial to diagnose and estimate the vision loss. The Visual Acuity (VA) is typically measured manually, implying an exhaustive and time-consuming procedure. In this work, we propose a method that exploits the information of the OCTA images to automatically estimate the VA with an accurate error of 0.1713.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; DTS18/00136Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2015-69948-RXunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; RTI2018-095894-B-I0

    Postimplant intraperitoneal behavior of collagen-based meshes followed by laparoscopy

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    17 p.Background When repairing an abdominal wall defect, sometimes a prosthetic mesh needs to be placed directly on the parietal peritoneum. Although the standard mesh for this purpose is the laminar implant expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), it is gradually being replaced by the laminar collagen-based meshes. This study was designed to assess the intraperitoneal behavior of three of these biomeshes, mainly in terms of their susceptibility to adhesion formation. Methods Two 3-cm x 3-cm fragments of prosthetic material were placed on the parietal peritoneum in male New Zealand White rabbits in the following combinations: PTFE and CollaMend®, PTFE and Permacol®, or PTFE and Surgisis®. The meshes were fixed at the four corners with individual 4/0 polypropylene sutures. Adhesion formation was quantified by sequential laparoscopy and image analysis performed at 3, 7, 14, and 90 days postimplant. All animals were killed at 90 days and the mesh specimens were subjected to microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Results Intensely vascularized adhesions to all the implants were observed, although Surgisis showed the lowest percentage of adhesions at each follow-up time. Adhesions had stabilized by 7-14 days. The PTFE meshes were enveloped by a layer of macrophages and connective tissue, bounded by a monolayer of mesothelial cells. Permacol and CollaMend showed similar histological behavior, including cell ingrowth through their fenestrations with no signs of degradation detected at 90 days. In contrast, the Surgisis mesh at 90 days was practically replaced with neoformed tissue. Conclusions No difference in susceptibility to adhesion formation was noted in the crosslinked collagen meshes compared to PTFE meshes. The noncrosslinked collagen mesh Surgisis showed the best behavior in that it induced fewer adhesions. Ninety days after implant, a more intense macrophage response was observed in CollaMend and Permacol than in PTFE or Surgisis.Fundación Mutua Madrileñ

    Disease phenotype and outcome depending on the age at disease onset in patients carrying the R92Q low-penetrance variant in TNFRSF1A gene

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is an autosomal-dominant autoinflammatory disease caused by mutations in the TNFRSF1A gene. R92Q, a low-penetrance variant, is usually associated with a milder TRAPS phenotype than structural or pathogenic mutations. No studies differentiating R92Q-related disease in patients with pediatric and adult onset have been performed to date. OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical features and disease outcomes in patients diagnosed with TRAPS associated with R92Q variant and to investigate differences between patients with pediatric and adult disease onset. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients with R92Q-related disease from four reference centers for autoinflammatory diseases was performed. Clinical and laboratory features, family history of autoinflammatory diseases, treatments received, and outcomes during follow-up were recorded and separately analyzed in pediatric and adult patients. Our results were included in the analysis with other reported pediatric and adult R92Q-related disease series. RESULTS: Our series encompassed 18 patients (9 females and 9 males) with R92Q variant. In 61% of patients, disease onset occurred during infancy and in 39%, during adulthood, with a median diagnostic delay of 5 years and a follow-up of 5.4 years. A positive family history of autoinflammatory disease was detected in 28% of patients. All patients presented with febrile recurrent episodes. Other common symptoms included arthralgia/arthritis (61%), myalgia (39%), asthenia/fatigue (44%), abdominal pain (39%), headache (33%), odynophagia (33%), skin rash (28%), and chest pain (22%). During attacks, 80% of patients increased acute phase reactants levels. No patient had developed amyloidosis during the study period. At the end of follow-up, 28% of patients were asymptomatic and treatment free, 50% were receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or glucocorticoids on demand, and 22% were being treated with biologic agents. When differences between pediatric and adult patients were globally analyzed, adults tended to have longer attacks duration and presented more frequently with chest pain and headache, while abdominal pain, vomiting, cervical adenitis, and pharyngitis predominated in pediatric patients. No differences in outcomes and treatment requirements were observed in both age groups. CONCLUSION: This study has contributed to characterize R92Q-related disease by identifying trends in disease phenotypes depending on the age at disease onset

    Prosodic contrast in non-scripted humorous communication

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    En el presente artículo se recogen los resultados de un análisis prosódico de enunciados humorísticos semiespontáneos, extraídos de una muestra de 14 entrevistas del programa The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. También se seleccionaron enunciados no humorísticos con fines comparativos y de control (Bryant, 2010). Los archivos de audio se importaron a Praat para obtener los valores de F0 e intensidad de cada enunciado y analizar posteriormente su desviación estándar de la mediana. No se ha detectado contraste prosódico en estos valores entre los enunciados humorísticos y no humorísticos de la muestra.This article presents the results of a prosodic analysis of non-scripted humorous utterances. Humorous utterances have been extracted from a sample of 14 interviews in The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Non-humorous utterances were also selected in order to compare humorous and non-humorous utterances, as well as to conduct a control study on contrast between non-humorous utterances (Bryant, 2010). The sound files were imported to Praat, where mean pitch and mean intensity values were obtained for every utterance to later analyse standard deviation. No prosodic contrast has been found between humorous and non-humorous utterances in the sample with regards to intensity and pitch (F0)